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Terms & Conditions

Please take the time to read these terms and conditions.  By using our website and the services and information offered on our website, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Accuracy of content

We have taken proper care and precautions to ensure that the information we provide on our website is accurate and up to date.  However, we cannot guarantee, nor do we accept any liability arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of anything contained on our website or on any linked site.

Please be aware that job vacancies (positions) on this website may have already been filled prior to the removal of the job advertisement.

The information contained on our website should not take the place of professional advice.

Information provided on this site is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication.

Links to external websites

Our website may contain links that direct you to other links, pages, information, services etc., outside of our website.  These links are provided for your convenience and are not an express or implied indication that we endorse or approve of the linked website, it’s contents or any associated website, product or service.  We accept no liability for loss or damage arising out of or in connection to your use of these sites.

You may link to our articles or home page.  However, you should not provide a link which suggests any association, approval or endorsement on our part in respect to your website, unless we have expressly agreed to this in writing.  We may withdraw our consent to  you linking to our site at any time by notice to you.

Intellectual property and copyrights

We hold the copyright to the content of our website, including all uploaded files, layout design, data, graphics, articles, file content, codes, news, tutorials, videos, reviews, forum posts and databases and any other material contained on our website.

You must not use or replicate any material, images, video without express written permission from Saffron healthcare.

If you wish to use content, images or any other material of our intellectual property, submit your request to use this to inquiry@saffronhealthcare.com.au

Advertising Policy

Saffron healthcare does not accept advertising on its website.

For more information on this disclaimer please contact Saffron healthcare by emailing inquiry@saffronhealthcare.com.au